GIMT International Area Coordinators Appointed

The Global Institute for Ministry and Training (GIMT), a strategic partner with Church of God USA Missions, recently announced the appointment of three international coordinators who will schedule and facilitate Islam and evangelism training around the globe.

January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, Author Reveals Practical Ways Each of Us Can Help Reduce the Number of At-Risk Children to Zero

CHICAGO, Jan. 7, 2016 — Children who have been abused, those living in poverty, foster kids aging out of a broken system, and those who don’t have enough to eat are easy targets for those who wish to misuse them. You want to help, but you don’t know where to begin. What can one person possibly do that will make a difference?

Why Millennials Are Turning From Religion in Double Digits

The millennial generation has an increasingly negative view of both religious organizations and the news media.

20 Churches Join Forces for Radical Revival-Focused Prayer

Passionate for Jesus and for people, prayer warriors and worshipers from more than 20 Colorado churches ushered in the new year with 28 consecutive hours of devotion to the one they say is the only hope for the world: Jesus Christ.