Association Raises $2,000 for SMCH

Smoky Mountain Children’s Home is the recipient of a donation by a group of caring individuals who all want to make a difference in the lives of today’s youth. Visiting SMCH back in June of this year, Mark “Macky” McIntyre, President of the Dragons Chapter of the Widows Sons Riding Association of Sevierville met with Dr. Coleman Peacock, Director of Communications for SMCH, and established a fundraiser for the Children’s Home coinciding with their annual rally.

Chicago Christmas Nativity Proclaims Religious Freedom

Controversies over nativity scenes have made headlines across the country in recent Christmases – courts arguing from California to Florida over whether to allow faith-based Christmas displays at county buildings, schools and state capitals. Despite this national trend toward challenging crèches, Chicago’s Christmas nativity has been a constant of downtown holiday celebrations for over three decades and will return this Saturday.

Thanksgiving ‘Models Harmony Possible by Divine Grace and Good Will’

Americans like to complain, and are in a particular funk in recent times. But Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD) President Mark Tooley reminds us all that this Thanksgiving there is much reason for gratitude, and as always even more reason for prayer on behalf of many globally who lack religious liberty.

Two Suggestions for Prioritizing Time on Sunday Morning

You are a leader and you have limited time. So, who do you talk with on Sunday morning?