Leaders Tour GA16 Assembly Site

Nashville, TN—Church of God International Offices leaders and staff who will be involved in executing the upcoming International General Assembly, took a day trip to Nashville to tour the Music City Center and nearby hotels.

Las Vegas High School Officially Approves Student’s Pro-Life Club

This week, the Clark County School District officially approved Angelique Clark’s pro-life club in response to the lawsuit filed by the Thomas More Society on Angelique’s behalf.

Faithbox Encourages Spiritual Growth and Philanthropy

Carving out a niche in the recent subscription box trend, Faithbox is encouraging Christians in their daily walk with spiritually and ethically focused contents, curated specifically for the faith-minded consumer.

Ancient Quran Discovery Suggests Muhammad Did Not Pen Islamic ‘Scripture’

A recent discovery of the world’s oldest Quran has “startling” implications for Islam.