Pathway Press Releases 2014 Book of MINUTES

MINUTES 2014, the official book of discipline, church order, and governance for the Church of God, has been released for sale by Pathway Press following an extensive update from the 75th International General Assembly held last summer in Orlando, Florida.

Imaginative Novel Reveals the Nature of God

The new book by Alan Levett, WILDSHIEN: Tyranny and Liberation, ($20.99, paperback, 9781498407083; $7.99, e-book, 9781498407090) describes a young man on a mission to dethrone a tyrant who had enslaved his people. Having succeeded, he then discovers the true nature of the One who has been directing him, and commends God to his people. Overall, the author leads readers on a journey in his fantasy epic, and will enable them to view God from a fresh perspective.

Freedom From Religion Group Attacks NCAA Teams Over Chaplains

March Madness is sweeping the United States for the NCAA Basketball Championships. At the same time, the Freedom From Religion (FFR) is harassing six teams for having chaplains.

How Hollywood Tries to Sink Noah’s Ark

Noah is told by God to build an Ark in order to save his family from a global flood. Not a difficult story to decipher. Why is Hollywood unable to? Many of today’s films have supernatural/disaster themes (Jupiter Ascending, The Avengers: Age of Ultron – May 2015), why can’t Hollywood employ the same rationale to the Bible? Are movie studio executives and television networks unable to re-create Noah’s story (unlikely), do they have a desire to reinterpret Genesis or a personal hostility towards God and the Bible? You be the judge…