Virtual Prayer Meeting Concludes This Weekend with Youth Emphasis, Celebration

The 21-day Virtual Prayer Meeting by Church of God congregations is in its final week. According to Prayer Coordinator Doug Small, more than 3,500 connections have been made into the virtual prayer meeting from every state and some fifty nations.

Hollywood Bible Movies: What Was and What’s Next?

Did Roma Downey (The Bible), Darren Aronofsky (Noah) and Ridley Scott (Exodus: Gods and Kings) successfully reproduce the Bible “as written” in 2013/2014? That depends upon your biblical knowledge regarding angel ninjas fighting Sodomites (very “Kill Bill”), Daniel thrown into the Lions Den by Cyrus (it was Darius, oops!), Jesus holding a rock over the adulterous woman in a stoning stance and the kiss of life given to the dead Lazarus’ head by Jesus. Remember the exploding, ark-building rock monsters and magic Methuselah from “Noah?” What about Christian Bales “Exodus: Gods and Kings” when Moses was confronted by a child-God at the burning bush who asks Moses who he is (not all-knowing?) and later the insecure boy-deity asks Moses’ opinion of the Ten Commandments. Remember the Hebrews secret weapons factory in Egypt? What? The boat attacking JAWS-like crocodiles (the first plague) or Moses’ near drowning in the Red Sea via waterspouts after a shooting star, not God, lowered the Red Sea? Compelling adventures for sure but it’s not Bible, says Rick Dack of Defending the Bible International (

Where Does ISIS Fit Into Bible Prophecy?

The struggle against ISIS is the latest in what seems like a never-ending war on terror that has cost trillions of dollars and thousands of lives. How should followers of Christ respond to this new threat?

Obama Addresses Those Who Question His Faith in Christ

While touring a country that’s dealing with religious cleansing, U.S. President Barack Obama revealed what strengthens him—his Christianity.