World Missions Responds to Liberia Ebola Crisis

World Missions General Director Dr. Tim Hill has stated Church of God World Missions is responding through the Marcelly’s Dream initiative to send monetary assistance for relief in Liberia, Africa. Medicine and sanitation materials are desperately needed in order to prevent the further spread of the Ebola outbreak. The need for food is also becoming critical as markets are shutting down and food is becoming scarce, creating dire circumstances for our pastors and their members.

Christians Actually Far Less Likely to Divorce

This is a game-changer. Talk about “an old wives’ tale.” You’ve heard it said that 1) 50 percent of all marriages end in divorce, 2) most marriages that do happen to make it are, nonetheless, unhappy, and 3) Christians are just as likely to divorce as nonbelievers.

New Film ‘Holy Ghost’ Poised to Disrupt Entertainment Industry Business Model

Wanderlust Productions – the independent film studio behind the cult hit trilogy FINGER OF GOD, FURIOUS LOVE and FATHER OF LIGHTS – is poised to disrupt the entertainment industry’s long-established business model on September 6th with the 48-hour world premiere of its dynamic documentary film, HOLY GHOST. Fueled by more than 2,500 consumer-investors who surged to support Director Darren Wilson’s Kickstarter campaign, which raised a record-breaking $360,000 in just 45 days, the film’s producers are deploying a futuristic, direct-to-audience strategy that will fundamentally change the way movies are consumed.

Organizations Partner to Maximize Stewardship

Cokesbury, the retail division of The United Methodist Publishing House, today announced its strategic partnership with NCS Services, Inc. This joint venture will offer technology-based stewardship services provided through NCS Services, Inc., to all Cokesbury customers. NCS supplies web-based solutions in the areas of online and text giving, giving kiosks, online registrations and payment processing to over 2,400 faith-based nonprofits.