Filmmakers to Donate Up to 10,000 Bible Movies to International Missions

Filmmakers Fred and Sharon Wilharm announced Tuesday that they will donate up to 10,000 pre-release copies of their new movie, “The Good Book” to be used as an outreach tool for international missions. “The Good Book” is an evangelistic silent feature film about a small Bible that is passed along to fourteen strangers, dramatically impacting the lives of seven of those individuals. Because of the nature of the silent movie, the evangelistic message can cross language and cultural barriers.

Wedding Vendors Face Threats to Liberty

On a summer day in 2012, baker Jack Phillips had no idea just where his actions would lead or that they would place him squarely in the center of a national debate over faith and freedom. He simply knew that he needed to attend to the two men looking at cake designs in his shop.

International Center for Spiritual Renewal Expands Ministry Scope

Cleveland, TN—The International Center for Spiritual Renewal is expanding its ministry scope. To strengthen their kingdom-based focus of spiritual renewal for the individual, the church, and the world, the Center’s board has selected three Spiritual Renewal Advisers to serve alongside their newly appointed Executive Director, Kay Horner.

Pathway Press Being Honored for “Red Back” Church Hymnal

March 25, 2014–NASHVILLE –Southern Gospel Music will be front and center at the Trinity Broadcasting Network’s famed Trinity Music City in Nashville tonight, March 25, as TBN and Grammy Award winning Christian music artist Jason Crabb host the Southern Gospel Music Guild’s 2014 Harmony Honors.

Malaysian Airliner Disappearance Offers Snapshot of Post-Rapture World Shock

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thess. 4:16-17).

Seven Things That Prove God Is real

When I was a journalist in my 20s, I needed to verify a fact about atheism. This was before the Internet age, so I phoned the Texas headquarters of American Atheists. Madalyn Murray O’Hair, the mother of modern atheism in this country, answered my call. Apparently she had a very small staff!

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