Wallace J. Sibley Inducted Into Hall of Prophets

The Pentecostal Theological Seminary is proud to announce the induction of Dr. Wallace J. Sibley into their Hall of Prophets on Thursday, July 12, 2012. The event was held in Cross Chapel on the Seminary campus followed by a luncheon in the Knight Conference Hall.

Mobilizing U.S. Pastors to Participate in the End Time Revival of Joel 2:28

To miss this end time revival of Joel 2:28 is to miss your calling, and the very Kingdom of God.

Dance Ministry Choreographs Olympics Outreach

As Olympics outreaches gear up, Operation Mobilization is sending for dancing evangelists, of sorts.

Religious Freedom Reigns in Texas School Flier Showdown

A Texas elementary school teacher was standing in the way of little children meeting Jesus. But a religious freedom lawsuit has caused the school to rethink its policy.