Ukrainians Turn to Churches as ‘Winter of War’ Presses In

Hundreds of local churches across Ukraine are transforming their facilities into critical aid centers, providing safety, warmth and hope for thousands uprooted by war.

Rescuing Jewish Refugees from Ukraine

Among the four million people that have fled their homes in Ukraine following the Russian invasion, more than 10,000 Jewish refugees have found their way to Israel.

Ukraine-Russia: Local Churches Launch Brave Aid Effort in War Zone

“Unstoppable” local churches in Ukraine and Russia are launching a large-scale humanitarian outreach across Ukraine as war erupts around them and many suffer.

Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians and Roman Catholics Engage in Exploratory Ecumenical Dialogue

WASHINGTON – A historic, exploratory, ecumenical dialogue between representatives of the Pentecostal/Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA) and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) met September 14–16, 2021, in Washington.

GFA World Summons Next Generation

One of the largest mission organizations in the world is challenging the next generation of young Christians to “fight back against the cultural attack on your faith” — as recent research shows an alarming drop in the number of under-30s embracing Christianity.

GFA World Cites Growing Tragedy of COVID ‘Widow-Maker’

COVID-19 is making a heart-wrenching situation even worse for abused and outcast widows around the world, says a new report for International Widows Day, June 23, an annual awareness event.

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