TRANSFORMATION: An All-Inclusive Church Digital Marketing System

Him First Media Group is thrilled to announce the launch of TRANSFORMATION 2025, an all-inclusive Church digital marketing system designed to empower churches in today’s dynamic digital environment.

Ministry Marks 30 Years of Partnering with Churches

Church Initiative, a trusted publisher of Christian content and curriculum, celebrates the 30-year anniversary of its widely used curriculum, DivorceCare. A Christ-centered recovery program, DivorceCare has helped over 1 million people worldwide heal from trauma and rebuild their lives after divorce or separation.

‘A Christmas in New Hope’ Brings Heartwarming Holiday Story

A Christmas in New Hope, an uplifting holiday film directed by Texas filmmaker Julia Barnett, became available to U.S. audiences starting November 12th on major streaming platforms, including Amazon, iTunes, Google Play and Fandango.

Groups Partner to Provide Faith-Based Financial Services to Families

AdelFi Credit Union is excited to announce its partnership with Teach Them Diligently, a leading organization serving Gospel-centered homeschooling families across the nation.

Love Zambia Campaign Reaches More Than 731,000 People

LUSAKA, Zambia — In a massive effort to share hope with hundreds of thousands of Zambians, the Luis Palau Association partnered with more than 4,900 churches across denominational lines to accomplish the Love Zambia Festival.

Global Church Network Gathers Ministry Leaders from Pacific Island Nations

In pursuit of completing the Great Commission by 2030, the Global Church Network (GCN) will host the FINISH Oceania Summit from October 8-10 in Suva, Fiji.

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