The Needs of the Phebe Grey Orphanage

“Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction …”

Liaison of the Great Lakes Region, Julia Grey-Fraser and her husband Garry, are working in conjunction with Lee University to aid the Phebe Grey Orphanage in Liberia, Africa.

Julia, eleventh of 12 children, has a personal interest in the project … she is the daughter of Phebe Grey, who died in 1979. The orphanage was built in 1996 and bears her name.
The government of Liberia is financially strained and unable to assist orphanages like this one. The orphanage’s very existence depends upon the generosity of others. Only three orphanages in the country are allowed to accept orphans and Phebe Grey is one of them. Most of the children in Liberia were orphaned by civil conflicts, and the most recent, the Ebola crisis.

Often, we realize the many issues facing orphanages, but further inspection draws a more serious picture. First is the desperate need for repair and maintenance on the facility. The walls needed for protection around the compound need rebuilding and the roofs leak. Daily provisions of clothing and food are limited—the staple is rice, and if the children are fortunate enough, on rare occasions sometimes chicken is added.

While there are two wells from which to draw water, no running water is available. The orphanage is blessed with a generator, but because of a lack of fuel, it can be used for electricity only three hours a day. On-location medicine is a must, as the nearest clinic is 15 miles away and transportation becomes a problem, as well.

One of the greatest opportunities Phebe Grey offers is education … with education, a child can be empowered. Even this is a difficult pursuit, as school supplies are extremely limited. Lee University is assisting in providing some of the supplies needed for teaching and studying, and also helping to open a science lab so senior students do not have to travel to another location for use.

The more we know, the more we realize how the simple things can accomplish a great deal. Continued sustainability is their greatest need in order to succeed. Wouldn’t you like to be a part of such a momentous ministry?

Please send your contributions to Project Number 101-9004.

The Lord has admonished us in His Word to visit (provide for) the fatherless. How can we do less if we are obedient to His cause?

(Source: Church of God World Missions)

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