Match Bible Game Gets Noah’s Ark Story Right

As Dan Florian, owner/developer at Ebry Dobby watched the movie Noah, he couldn’t believe how blasphemous it was. In fact, Noah’s (the movie) director, Darren Aronofsk told the New Yorker that his movie is “the least-biblical biblical film ever made.”

Dan and partner Ted Jones set out to tell the amazing truth about this important bible story in a match game mobile app for children, ages 4 – 10. They checked biblical facts with three pastors and had many conversations with the Creation Museum.

They were encouraged by a study that showed the proportion of children 8 and under who have used a mobile device jumped from 38% in 2011 to 72% in 2013, according to San Francisco based Common Sense Media. Dan saw the need for a bible-based, educational and entertaining game in his own family, as he and his wife are legal guardians for their 8 year old grandson.

This highly intuitive and educational game comes to life when children identify and match animals and get them on the ark. The Noah’s Ark Bible Match Game increases children’s memory skills, helps them identity 30 animals and learn more than 80 fun bible facts, which appear visually and audibly (recorded by 25 kids at a Christian Academy in Florida).

Ebry Dobby’s purpose is using app technology to engage, delight and educate children on biblical truth. At this time, The Noah’s Ark Bible Match Game is available for Android devices, in English and Spanish and can be purchased at Google Play or Amazon.

(Source: Christian Newswire)

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