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Upcoming Debate: ‘Is America a Christian Nation?’

Chaplain (Lt. Col.) USAR Ret, E. Ray Moore, Jr., Th.M., president of Frontline Ministries, will be debating the question “Is America a Christian Nation?” Moore will oppose Herb Silverman, Ph.D., president of the Secular Coalition for America, on Thursday, October 29th, 2009, at 7:00 pm at the Darla Moore School of Business, located at 1705 College Street, Room 005 (Belk Auditorium). This debate is being sponsored by the Pastafarians, a USC student organization for atheists, agnostics, freethinkers, secular humanists and skeptics.

Chaplain E. Ray Moore will concentrate his defense on the historical and spiritual truths of America’s founding era, proving that America was indeed founded as a Christian nation. He will be challenged by Dr. Silverman’s opposing ideas, which will challenge the historical foundation of America’s origin. This promises to be a lively debate!

Born in Philadelphia, Herb Silverman received his Ph.D. in mathematics from Syracuse University and has been a professor of mathematics at the College of Charleston since 1976. He is president of the Secular Coalition for America (www.Secular.org) and serves on the board of directors for the American Humanist Association and Atheist Alliance International. Dr. Silverman advocated the concept of the “godless Constitution” with an opinion editorial in the Washington Post on Jan. 21, 2009. Dr. Silverman sued the State of South Carolina successfully in 1990 to have the religious oath for civil office holders removed by the State Supreme Court. He has debated similar issues at the Oxford Union at Oxford University.

E. Ray Moore, Jr., is a South Carolina native, graduate of The Citadel with a B.A. in political science. He received his M.Div. in 1974 and his Th.M. in 1979 from Grace Theological Seminary. He served 12 years as a campus pastor and 19 years as an Army Reserve Chaplain (Lt.Col. USAR Ret). For his service in Gulf War I, Chaplain Moore was awarded the Bronze Star. He currently serves as president of Frontline Ministries and the Exodus Mandate Project, which focuses on prayer, revival and K-12 Christian education and home schooling. Chaplain Moore sponsored Chief Justice Roy Moore (of Ten Commandments fame) at Frontline Ministries October 2003 banquet. In March 21-27, 2005, Chaplain Moore under the auspices of www.GileadMedia.com sponsored six SC rallies with Judge Roy Moore’s Ten Commandments monument.

For additional information you may contact Frontline Ministries at (803) 714-1744.. Public is welcome; no entrance fee. Seating will be limited. Debate will be approx. 90 minutes long. (A more extensive biography and picture of Ray Moore are available.)

(Source: Chrsitian Newswire)