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School Set to Re-Open After Fire

Azalea Garden Christian School, affiliated with the Norfolk, Virginia-based Azalea Gardens Church of God, will hold an open house just a few months following a devastating fire at the school.

By Becky McMasters, Principal AGCS

For Azalea Garden Christian School, the second semester had just begun. Parent-teacher conferences were completed and it seemed that everything was on course for students and teachers. We were experiencing a very calm year. That should have been a loud and clear warning!

At 4:15 A. M., February 2, 2009, fireman Bobby Orletsky, one of our former students, was banging on our front door with the news that the school was on fire. When the fire was extinguished and we looked at the classrooms, the devastation was heartbreaking. After forty years of existence, two-thirds of the school had been burned, melted, smoke and water damaged so badly that it was not useable. My husband, Larry, and I knew there was no way we could restore what was lost.

The new curriculum alone was an enormous lost. Records and report cards had to be redone. Fortunately, papers stored in the steel desk drawers were still readable. One teacher had accumulated numerous books – books for fun reading, research and different interests – for our school library. New laptops had just been purchased for the high school. Room decor that had been planned and collected for the classrooms, some antigues as well, had been ruined. Larry and I had just painted the fellowship hall which is on the first floor, the black smoke/ water ran down the walls creating long black streaks on all four walls. It was as if someone had just ripped our hard work, our hope for students, right out of our hands.

But then a peace came that was far beyond my understanding. The same verse that others would quote to us later came immediately to my husband and me, “You meant evil against me; God meant it for good,” (Genesis 50:20 ESV). The old hymn that says, “God leads His dear children along,” and loosely quoting, some through the water, flood, fire, but all through the blood, has been a truth that holds. No matter what, He (the Lord) is faithful and He always comes through.

Our insurance company stepped in within a few hours and got things rolling, so that we were able to set up all classes within ten days in other areas at our location. Most of physical work has been completed including rebuilt student offices with custom quality work.

The fire, smoke and water damage was so extensive that the building was gutted to the block walls. When we resume school in September, our students will be returning to a brand new school including electrical and air conditioning.

The staff of Azalea Garden Christian School has done a tremendous job. They came in and worked until the place was ready for the transition to smaller classes. In one week, we were able to have grades one through the four back up and running. It took another three days to get grades five through twelve ready. This was a miracle to me; that we could accomplish so much in so little time. All but one class had to be shuffled around to smaller rooms and adjustments had to be made. The teachers have been an inspiration to their students. Many teachable moments came out of the tragedy, and I’m sure they have devotional material for quite some time.

So many people and organizations stepped in during this crisis and there are so many that we want to thank, beginning with the neighbor who made the call to the fire department. Others are Barnes and Noble book store for their end-of-the-year BOOK FAIR, Selective Insurance, Zapia Construction, friends, and neighbors for their support and prayers, and especially our staff who worked and are still working tirelessly to pull things together for our school. There’s also Pastor Aubrey Maye and the Azalea Garden Church for their encouragement, and above all, Our Lord, who “Gives us a song in the night season and all the day long.” He also has His timing down just right, and He really is in control.

An OPEN HOUSE will be held: Monday, June 29, 2009, at 7:00 PM. The location is 5160 Beamon Road, Norfolk, Va. 23513. Everyone is invited. For more information, please call 757-855-3563.