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Thousands Participate in Global Ministers Meeting

Cleveland, TN—General Overseer Tim Hill led an online event earlier this week designed to appeal to Church of God minsters around the world with an update on events, ministries, and resources available during this unprecedented period.

Following scripture and prayer, Hill opened the 2-hour session with a ten-minute address that highlighted the five points of Reflecting on Our Path, Reporting Our Progress, Resourcing Our Pastors, Reiterating Our Priorities and Reinforcing Our Partnership. Hill took the occasion to encourage and uplift the over 4,000 pastors, ministers, church leaders, and laypersons who joined the livestream which took place on Wednesday, February 17 at 2:00 p.m.


Executive Committee members (l-r) David Ramirez, Raymond Culpepper, Tim Hill, J. David Stephens, and John Childers participate in the Global Ministers Meeting on February 17, 2021 (click photo to enlarge)

Two five-minute updates were given on the state of the economy and potential legal issues associated with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. The reports were offered by Benefits Board President Art Rhodes and Church of God Legal Counsel Dennis Watkins. Secretary General John Childers gave a brief report on the state of church finances, while each member of the Executive Committee gave announcements and updates from their divisional portfolios.

Also making presentations were David Blair, director of Youth and Discipleship, and a Special Order of the Day from Director of World Missions David Griffis, who briefed the online audience with ministry highlights from around the globe.

Hill closed out the session with a greeting from his wife, Paula, and a challenge for better days ahead. He then called attention to a number of resources that are now available on a new site corresponding to the event. The site contains helpful and informative videos, previously-released publications, and two free book downloads, including a gift from Pathway Press who sponsored the event.

As a special bonus announced during the livestream, the Pentecostal Theological Seminary offered the availability of five $5,000 scholarships to current or prospective students.

All of these resources and offerings, as well as a link to an archive of the livestream is available by clicking here. [2] or visiting churchofgodcommunications.com/gmm [2].