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USA.Life Founder: “Facebook Refused to Stop Censoring Christianity”

Pastor Steven Andrew, a popular minister reaching as many as 8 million people per month on Facebook, is experiencing one of the greatest cases of censorship, with an estimated 99% shadow ban on August 20. A post thanking President Trump, with “In God We Trust,” was blocked 100%. Andrew contacted Facebook on August 10 and asked them to stop censoring him. This was Andrew’s fourth attempt to resolve the issue. Facebook responded, “Thanks…” and ignored the censorship of Christianity. They restrict Bible verses, praying for government, pictures of George Washington and honoring President Trump.

Screen captures show the Facebook statistics and communication. Post views will be higher with media coverage.

Andrew has been called the “Facebook Pastor.” He had an average post reach 30,000 to 60,000 people, with some reaching a million people before the restrictions started in 2016. Now, Andrew’s posts typically reach just 100’s of people and don’t go viral.

It turns out Andrew is a Silicon Valley technology leader who has a heart to help Christians overcome censorship. He is building USA.Life social network and 1776Free.com search engine, which are “the answer to Facebook, Google and Twitter censoring Christians, conservatives and liberty.” People are pre-registering for a free account.

Andrew started a crowdfunding page and asks those who want to save the Internet to chip in $10 or $100 today, so they can make the required goal of $778,000. About $620,000 more is needed to launch the sites known as “the Christian Internet.”

“Families, congregations and businesses will be able to share their faith in Jesus. However, without USA.Life and 1776Free.com, freedom and privacy could be lost forever,” he said.

“Blocking Christians is the greatest national security danger, because God is our only hope,” he said.

In contacting Facebook, Andrew mentioned CEO Mark Zuckerberg testified to Congress that Facebook was “a platform for all ideas.” Andrew said, “My ideas are Christianity and the amazing founding fathers’ beliefs…,” but they censor these major topics.

Andrew answers frequently asked questions on the crowdfunding page at www.USA.Life.

About Steven Andrew
Steven Andrew is pastor of USA Christian Church, leads One Million Americans on the LORD’s Side and is the author of “Jesus Makes America Great.”

(Source: Christian Newswire)