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A New Pentecost for a New Generation

Tulsa, OK – Empowered21 is set to empower a new generation when it gathers in the year 2020 to celebrate Pentecost. June 1-3, thousands of believers from around the globe will gather for the Jerusalem 2020 Empowered21 Global Congress at Pais Arena in Jerusalem. Believers will celebrate the work of the Holy Spirit and begin to anticipate in 2033 the 2,000th anniversary of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit recorded in the book of Acts.

Oral Roberts University President and Empowered21 Global Co-Chair Dr. Billy Wilson along with Empowered21 Executive Director Ossie Mills and Israel’s Ministry of Tourism North American Commissioner Uri Steinberg, announced this historic event at the recent National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.

“Our vision within the Empowered21 network is to unite the global Spirit-empowered movement, connecting nations and generations in the 21st century,” stated Dr. Wilson. “Our goal is for every individual in the world to have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit by Pentecost 2033.”

“Your life will never be the same when you visit Israel,” said Mills. “There’s nothing quite like visiting the places where Jesus walked, taught, and worshipped. During your time in Jerusalem you will be inspired, encouraged, renewed, transformed, and empowered.”

The first global Jerusalem Congress was hosted by Empowered21 in May 2015 and attended by nearly 5,000 people from more than 70 nations. Television networks all over the world carried the event, and an additional 180,000 people from 127 countries watched sessions through live streaming. Jack Hayford, Christine Caine, Samuel Rodriguez, and other Spirit-empowered leaders led the call to Congress attendees to celebrate Pentecost in the Land of Pentecost. It is with that same passion and purpose that the Jerusalem 2020 Empowered21 Global Congress will continue to challenge and inspire Spirit-empowered believers to reach the world for Christ.

A list of speakers for the 2020 Congress will be announced soon. Joining them and the thousands of attendees will be worship teams from Bethel Worship, Gateway Worship, and Planetshakers for three days of teaching, worship, and prayer that calls upon God to pour out His Spirit once again in a powerful and world-changing way.

Inspiration Cruises & Tours, along with Sar-El Tours & Conferences, has partnered with Empowered21 to provide Tour options for anyone traveling to Jerusalem 2020.

Empowered21 aims to help shape the future of the global Spirit-empowered movement throughout the world by focusing on crucial issues facing the movement and connecting generations for intergenerational blessing and impartation. Their vision is that every person on Earth would have an authentic encounter with Jesus Christ through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit by Pentecost 2033. Get more information at www.empowered21.com. Empowered21 is a Kingdom initiative served by Oral Roberts University, www.oru.edu [1].

(Source: Empowered21)