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SL2C Update: Sao Paulo

Church of God World Missions leaders have been releasing progress reports for the Send the Light to the Cities (SL2C) Project, an initiative to reach 10 major cities around the world with the people and resources God gives. World Missions recently released a report on the progress taking place in the SL2C city of Sao Paul, Brazil:

One of the largest metropolitan regions in the world with a population of over 21 million people, Sáo Paulo stands out as a designated place of impact in the “Send the Light to the Cities” World Missions emphases.

Sáo Paulo, named after “Saint Paul,” is the economic and industrial heart of Brazil with over 100 cultures represented within its borders. While a city of tremendous socioeconomic contrasts, extremely wealthy neighborhoods are intermingled with regions of extreme poverty. The shantytowns are areas where drug trafficking, prostitution, murder, and crime dominate the inhabitants, creating hopelessness and despair. Brazil is the world’s second-highest consumer of illicit drugs and has the world’s highest rate of firearm homicides.

Entering this anti-spiritual climate, the Church of God sees a great harvest to be gleaned. Although the challenges for advancement are many—traffic and pollution, outrageous costs for real estate, lack of resources—the ministry opportunities abound with over 500,000 street children who will benefit from social outreaches and child evangelism. While the majority of the population claims Catholicism, 90 percent are influenced by Spiritism, creating great spiritual challenges.

Because of the cultural and contextual diversity of Sáo Paulo, it is an ideal training ground for ministry throughout the world and around the globe. Students can be prepared for cross-cultural ministry within the many cultural and linguistic groups without ever leaving the city of Sáo Paulo. Pastors and missionaries can be prepared to reach the poor, as well as the middle and upper classes of society. Brazil has awakened to the missions vision.

The Church of God entered Brazil in 1951. Since that time, the church has seen significant growth and now has 660 churches and 58,851 members. Expedito Ferreira de Melo is the overseer.

(Source: Church of God World Missions)