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Operation Compassion Responds to Caribbean Islands

With two Category 5 Hurricanes Irma and Maria having decimated several islands in the British and American Virgin Islands within a week of each other, Operation Compassion has started relief efforts to those islands. In addition, to the ongoing recovery effort in Houston and Florida, Operation Compassion is waiting for the all clear to begin shipping operations to Tortola, St. Lucia, Antigua, and Dominica.

In Tortola, Hurricane Irma destroyed 85% of the island leaving government buildings, schools, hospitals and homes uninhabitable. Many islanders lost everything. Operation Compassion has staged 10 – 40’ sea worthy containers for immediate shipment focusing on the needs of the people. Containers afterward will focus on supplies for rebuilding as well as continuing support for families and individuals.

Hurricane Maria slammed head on into Dominica leaving a wake of near total destruction in this island nation of 75,000 people. Operation compassion has two containers staged and ready for the all clear to begin shipping. In addition, St. Lucia and Antigua was battered and Operation Compassion has staged one container for each ready to get the all clear.

The hardest hit received from Maria was Puerto Rico. The American territory received a broadside from Maria and two days later were still receiving rain and flooding from outer bands as the storm moved to the northwest. Puerto Rico lost its entire power grid and is 100% blacked out. Officials say it could take months to completely restore the island’s power. Crews are currently working to restore emergency power for hospitals and necessary functions of the island.

Currently, Operation Compassion has product staged in Houston from their Cleveland, Tennessee warehouse that will be flown to Puerto Rico as soon as the airport is open.

“As anyone can imagine, helping the survivors recover from three major hurricanes back to back in less than one month is a huge and daunting undertaking,” stated Dave Lorency, president of Operation Compassion. “However, with continued financial support from our faithful donors, Operation Compassion will continue on course. Join with us in helping our island neighbors!”

To assist in recovery for residents hit hardest by Hurricane Maria, please send online donations to www.operationcompassion.org (givedirect button), call donations in to 423.728.3932, or mail your donations to: Operation Compassion, 114 Stuart Road, NE, PMB 370, Cleveland, TN 37312.