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FINISH Challenge: Israel Update

FINISH CHALLENGE: ISRAEL, formerly known as Israel Initiative, is in full swing and ministry in the Homeland is producing much fruit! The needs in Israel are still great; however, our Church of God team is making significant strides. Holly and I are honored to serve alongside such dedicated and talented souls who are giving everything to serve all the people in the land of Israel.

Israel’s first Christian Arabic-speaking station

Our current Missions overseer for the state of Israel, Gary Hull, is now operating as station manager of Israel’s first Christian Arabic-speaking station on AM1287 called: “Voice of Hope for the Middle East.” We praise God for this amazing endeavor already impacting Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, and Jordan. In addition, the station is reaching into Turkey and Egypt during the night hours.

Congregation in Lod

Our Arab congregation in Lod, Israel, is expanding and needing financial support to accommodate this growing faith community. Pastor Abdallah Khuri stepped out on faith to support the growing spiritual needs for the body of Christ in Lod, and is currently dedicated to full-time ministry. You can support his efforts by your donation to COGWM, referencing project #499-9034-005.

Journey Home Tour

June 14-24, the Israel Initiative is leading a Journey Home Tour, where we will be visiting a plethora of biblical sites and several of our projects on the ground. Travelers making the pilgrimage are coming from as far away as Hawaii, Ohio, Kentucky, and Illinois.

Mount of Olives Ministry Center

In addition, our Church of God Ministry Center is now ready to host missions teams who may be seeking to impact the people of Israel with the love of Yeshua. If you have a team of 8-12 individuals and would like to serve in the land of Israel, consider utilizing our beautiful Mount of Olives complex for your housing needs. The center is equipped with a beautiful chapel, kitchen, and wonderful living spaces for your team … not to mention, it overlooks the Temple Mount!

Aboud Christian Academy

Lastly, we would like to invite you to support a life-giving miracle birthed by Missionary Margaret Gaines and is currently being led by Head of School, Suhaila El Khoury. The Aboud Christian Academy is a vehicle of hope for the Middle East. Christ-centered education is the only way to ensure long-term and lasting peace. Through the Christ-centered education offered at Aboud Christian Academy, hearts and minds are being captured by the love of Christ.

—Bishop Shawn Baker, Senior Representative

(Source: Church of God World Missions)