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Pentecost in a Closed Area

The miracle of Pentecost Sunday was not only felt across the United States, but it was also experienced globally.

The Church of God was established in this area in 1977 and it is known as “Land of the Pure.” Muslims adherents comprise 97 percent of the population, so the growth of Christianity is slow and arduous.

In an unlikely place, a Church of God pastor conducted an outreach that took two and one-half hours to reach.

Visiting an unreached people group, the pastor preached to them the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many gave their hearts to Jesus and accepted Him as a personal Savior. Following their profession of faith, a water baptismal service was held in a canal. Now, their need is for a church building!

At another outreach, the pastor reported many were filled by the power of the Holy Spirit, and others also gave their lives to Jesus Christ. Extending God’s hand of love, the new believers were served food before the baptismal service.

The pastor states: “The Great Commission is our mission!”

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