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LeaderLabs Session to be Livestreamed

LeaderLabs Skill #8 session entitled, “Organizational Culture: The Water You Swim In, the Role of Values, Mission, and Purpose,” will be offered live via the Church of God’s Facebook page located at Facebook.com/COGHQ. The lab will feature two sessions of the popular course, beginning at 9:00 a.m. EST on Tuesday, May 9. It is scheduled to conclude at noon EST.

Dr. Fred Garmon, executive director of LeaderLabs, will be conducting the livestream. The session being featured is part of the 8-month course of the Tennessee LeaderLabs group, which began their courses several months ago. According to Garmon, “LeaderLabs Skill #8, Organizational Culture,” is a lab filled with theory, discovery and implementation.

“I hope this special session will have a lasting impact on the leadership journey of many individuals,” garmon commented. “There have been many requests to sit in on a LAB and see what it’s like. This is their chance.”
The livestream will be broadcast from the Church of God International Offices, Leadership and Communications Center.
“Leaders set the tone for the culture within their ministry or organization,” Garmon continued. “They must exude the culture and characteristics that they want to be prominent in their organization, whether it be a church, home, or business. IF you lead, they will follow.”