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Winter 2017 Issue of Engage Released

The winter 2017 edition of Engage, a journal for Pentecostal leaders, has been released and is available for reading or download at www.cogengage.org [1].

Compiled by Church of God Communications, Engage is published primarily for leaders involved in ministry at the local church level, but appeals to clergy and lay leaders as well.

Articles are selected by a Task Force made up of church leaders, educators, veteran pastors and retired ministers. Task Force members call upon their experience and connections with church leaders to provide pertinent material of interest to ministry at every level.

In this issue there are 14 articles, six regular feature sections and two book reviews. There is an article that gives “Ten Suggestions for Bi-Vocational Pastors,” an area that affects a large portion of pastors within the Church of God. With the upcoming Easter season, author Silas Sham addresses how to effectively celebrate Lent in a Pentecostal setting. At the same time, Dr. Bryan Cutshall draws upon his years of experience as a senior pastor in how to receive unchurched guests who often show up to church only at Easter and Christmas. In addition, with the advent of the upcoming presidential inauguration this Friday and the divisiveness the election caused, Art Rhodes answers how to deal with it all in his article, “Now That the Election Is Over.”

Regular columns include a section on legal matters, finances, family, Church of God highlights, archives and “Points from the Pastoral Staff,” this issue penned by Chuck Noel who draws upon his experience as an administrative pastor, a post that has become more common in the last two decades. Book reviews include critiques of the recent releases, “Impossible People,” by Oz Guiness, and “Shadowing Jesus,” by Tim Oldfield.

To read or download this issue of Engage, go to www.cogengage.org [1]. At the site, you can view the document in a convenient turn-page format, download to a tablet or smartphone, or print it. In addition, any website listed within the publication is a live link to other resources. Archived issues are also available.