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Church of God World Missions Makes Christ’s Birthday Offering Appeal

As we approach the holidays, our thoughts are filled with the awareness of just how much we have to thank God for … but, there are many around the world who do not know a full life in Christ.

It is to those individuals Christ directs our intentions: “And he said unto him, Well, thou good servant: because thou hast been faithful in a very little, have thou authority over ten cities.” (Luke 19:17).

Church of God World Missions believes the Great Commission can be finished in this generation, and has developed a strategy to reach 10 major cities around the world. In evangelizing these major cities, churches will be planted and an evangelism and training center will be established in each one. World Missions commits to stay alongside them until they are able to sustain their own commitment to FINISH: Focus on the Light; Invade the Darkness; Navigate the Needs; Intercede for Souls; Send the Light; and Heal the Nations.

Typically, Christ’s Birthday Offering is given in honor of Christ’s birth, i.e. in the amount of the year which this year is $20.16 (2016). Seemingly a small amount, it accomplishes great things for God’s Kingdom—souls will be won through your investment.

World Missions Director Dr. David Griffis and Assistant Director Dr. M. Thomas Propes thank you for your selfless giving and your prayerful support. Entire nations can be impacted by the spreading of the Gospel through training and outreach. If we remain faithful, God will give World Missions the ten cities!

When giving to the Christ’s Birthday Offering, please use Project #020-0803.

(Source: Church of God World Missions)