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Pace Publishes Resource for Military Wives

The American Bible Society recently published the book series, The Journey of a Military Wife: God’s Truth for Every Step, written by Dr. Brenda Pace of the Church of God Chaplains Commission. The four volume set addresses the unique challenges a military wife faces over the course of her husband’s career to include marriage and family issues, deployment, reintegration, relocation, and transitions.

The journey motif in the Bible serves as the metaphor for the structure of the books. Scriptural travel stories provide a sound approach to relate biblical truths and application to military wives who experience multiple moves, deployments, temporary duty assignments, family separations, and other transitions inherent to a life of military service. Studying such stories point the military wife to the Lord for direction and help. The books emphasize Scripture as the basis for the military wife to understand not only God’s care and concern for her, but also to recognize and utilize God’s Word as the answer for issues of everyday life and a guidebook for victorious living.

The American Bible Society is making the books available free of charge to women whose husbands serve in all branches of the military. Since the release date in August 2016, the response has reportedly been overwhelming, as the ministry has distributed more than 30,000 copies to date. Congratulations to Dr. Pace for her outstanding work.

For those who are interested in obtaining a copy of the books, follow this link: https://americanbiblesociety.wufoo.com/forms/order-your-free-copy-of-journey-of-a-military-wife/
Military Chaplains may request bulk orders of the series by contacting American Bible Society’s Armed Services Ministry (http://armedservicesministry.org/).

(Source: Church of God Chaplains Commission)