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Most Christians Believe in the Importance of Spiritual Growth but Not Actively Engaged in Discipleship

The majority of people who claim to be followers of Christ say they want to grow spiritually (77 percent). Yet, a small percent of these adults are involved in some sort of discipleship activity (20 percent)*. There is a disconnect between what Christians say is important to them and what they actually do.

Discipleship is designed to move people from religion to relationship. And this emphasis on discipleship is correlated with a higher faith engagement. So why don’t more people participate in discipleship? Why are we reluctant to join opportunities to grow our faith? Past generations of Americans clearly understood what it meant to follow Christ, grow in faith, or live a godly life. But the slow erosion of this understanding has left many people with a fragile understanding of what it means to be a Christ-follower.

The Rose Guide to Discipleship (Rose Publishing) recognizes the desire people have for discipleship but also provides practical ways to overcome common barriers. From debunking common myths on discipleship to simplifying difficult spiritual concepts in charts and graphics, Rose Publishing’s fully-reproducible discipleship guide is an all-in-one, ready-to-use curriculum with 30 flexible topics packed with discussion questions, life applications, leader tips, and much more.

The 30-Topic Discipleship Training Guide is designed to reinforce the relevance of the Bible and to help believers understand what it means to follow Christ in practical terms. Modern faith for many believers can be real, but not exactly relevant. The Guide helps readers recognize the key ideas of being a disciple. Disciple simply means “pupil” – one who knows, grows, and goes for Jesus. The five traits of a disciple are learning to trust, love, learn, change, and serve.

With thirty topics broken out into five core chapters, Rose Guide to Discipleship is unique in that it is comprehensive, practical, transferrable, creative and group-friendly. It is designed for both new and mature believers – helping them grasp basic principles, ideas, and concepts of the spiritual life and journey. And ongoing growth means learning to apply God’s Word to your life. Faith in Christ then isn’t the finish line of the spiritual life; it’s only the beginning. Our salvation means embracing a new life, new standing with God, new identity, new nature, and new power to live godly.

(Source: Christian Newswire)