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New Self-Guided Tour of the Bible

Skeptics of the Bible’s reliability take another hit when an ancient charred scroll reaffirms the accuracy of Bible translations. The University of Kentucky has recently announced its ability to read an ancient burnt parchment found nearly half a century ago on the western shore of the Dead Sea using advanced computer technology. Not only does this fragment appear to be identical to the Masoretic text of the Hebrew Bible; it is 2,000 years older. Why do discoveries like this matter?

Self-Guided Tour of the Bible (Rose Publishing) answers this very question while also deepening readers’ understanding of the Bible’s historical and geographical context. Author Christopher Hudson points out that only forty of the twenty thousand lines of the New Testament are in dispute and none of these undermine the basic teachings of the Bible. Further, with more than 5,000 portions of the Bible that have survived (compared with 210 for Plato), there is little argument that the Bible is remarkably well preserved.

Covering more than just Bible reliability, Hudson also provides a simple framework for understanding the structure, purpose and meaning of the Bible. “The Bible is mostly story,” explains Hudson. “In fact, it’s one big story made up of lots of smaller stories. The Bible is God’s story. It’s the real true story of the world—and it’s our story.” Here’s why this matters, “Once we really understand the implications of this story, our lives are never the same.”

Although detractors and skeptics will always question the accuracy of the Bible, their opposition has less to do with the authenticity of the Bible and more to do with individual’s unwillingness to accept it as authoritative in their own personal lives. Self-Guided Tour of the Bible is loaded with over 200 maps, photos, charts, timelines, and lists – all designed to help readers grasp the bigger picture of God’s story in reaching out to mankind.

(Source: Christian Newswire)