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Four Decades of Church of God Missionary Commitment

In 1975, Ron and Kathy Countryman sold their home and farm in Illinois and headed west. They responded to the call of God to minister to the Native Americans near the Yellowstone River in Montana. First and foremost, they realized they were going to need unending patience in this venture of evangelizing.

Ron, an ordained Church of God minister, began pastoring small churches and working odd jobs to keep them among the people who had won their hearts. Approximately 60,000 or so Native Americans are in Montana with no more than 1,000 professing faith in Christ.

Through many trials and struggles, the Countrymans remained steadfast to their mission, and in 2004 bought the Four Winds Ministry Center in Big Timber. Currently, they have 13 buildings, including dorms, a chapel, a kitchen, and an office. At their youth camps, Native American children who often experience poverty, abuse, addiction, neglect, and hopelessness find a caring atmosphere that offers hope and help. Various reservations now have a few established orphanages. One of their three sons, Justin, and his wife, Jessica, are a vital part of the outreach and provide foster care. They accepted carrying the mantle of the Countrymans for Native American children.

Due to the generosity of partners to the ministry, Four Winds this year was able to provide over $1600 of backpacks and school supplies for children in Lame Deer, Montana. Most of the recipients were children who had attended a recent Youth Camp.

To grasp the extent of the Countrymans’ influence and respect, the Crow Nation adopted Ron and Cathy into the tribal family—an extremely rare honor. Native Americans are also considered part of the Church of God’s emphasis on Unreached People Groups (UPGs) and a part of the North American Field Area ministry.

In keeping with the theme of the Church of God under the newly-elected General Overseer Dr. Timothy M. Hill, the FINISH Commitment, the Countrymans have long sought to minister with purpose and intent … constantly keeping their eyes on the time, seeking the lost before it is too late … working to finish the task God sent them to accomplish.

(Source: Church of God World Missions)