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Update: Louisiana Residents, Churches Still in Deep Recovery

Church of God families and churches in Louisiana are in the depths of recovery efforts following torrential rains that have affected tens of thousands and caused multiplied millions of dollars in damages.

It has been nearly three weeks since more than seven trillion gallons of water rained on the Baton Rouge area of Louisiana — triple what Hurricane Katrina brought a decade ago. More than 68,000 homes in East Baton Rouge Parish were damaged, and countless buildings are a total loss. More than a dozen Church of God congregations were damaged by the flood waters with even more families being affected.

Louisiana State Overseer Melvin Shuler reported late last week on the status of five churches under his leadership that have been able to assess damages and submitted monetary figures on what it would take for repairs. The costs range from $75,000 to $129,000. Because of recent flooding, most of these churches have no flood insurance and members do not have funds to donate due to dealing with their own losses.

Fidencio Burgueno, who serves as state overseer for the South Central Hispanic region, reported that four of six churches in the flood zone sustained damages. Worshipers at the Manantial de Vida congregation are dealing with the results of a foot of water in their sanctuary, while the El Malagro church in Hammond was, “in what seems to be a river,” according to reports and photos Burgueno received. All six pastors reported multiple families with minor to total losses of homes and personal belongings.

Monty and Regina Lasseter serve as the State Director of Youth and Discipleship in Louisiana and also pastor the Life Church Central Church of God in Baton Rouge. They were devastated by the initial flood that inundated Baton Rouge. Like other Church of God leaders in the area, the Lasseters have hardly rested as they’ve begun the daunting task of assessing the damage to their church property, all while ministering to families in their church and throughout the community.

Never could they imagine that a total flooding of their ministry center would transform it into an overcrowded center of ministry. More than 2,000 people have come onto their property in just one week alone to receive food, water, toiletries and the love of Christ. “Everyone who comes in keeps saying, ‘We lost everything,’” Monty said. “Then they see we lost everything, too, and they can’t believe what we’re doing. “But I tell them, ‘We didn’t lose everything. We lost a lot of things, but we haven’t lost everything. We’ve got Jesus. That’s all we need.’”

The flooding is unprecedented for the Baton Rouge area, and is the last thing the Lasseter family ever thought would happen when they moved here two years ago. The young couple from Tifton, Ga. came to serve as first-time state youth directors, with the local pastorate being a part of the state office job. Monty looked like anything but a “part-time pastor” the past few weeks. You’d find him every day on campus with his church workers, using shop-vacs, running a jackhammer, tearing down sheetrock and piling everything in the front yard.

In his neighborhood, where his house was just 20 feet removed from the flood waters, Monty busted out a grill and charcoal and cooked hot dogs for his neighbors. This past Sunday, he preached about how they were going to get through this disaster with God. In between, he was being a pastor to hundreds of people who didn’t even know his name. “People I don’t even know are calling me pastor,” Monty said. “They start crying because you gave them something as simple as a toothbrush, or some eggs. This is ministry, and that’s what we’re doing.”

The Lasseters were supposed to be on a family vacation in Orlando last week, a gift from their church, with their three children — sons Kaleb, 11, and Karson, 9, and daughter Kylee, 7. Instead, they were wading through the stench of untreated flood waters that reached 4 1/2 feet in their church sanctuary. It was all Regina could do to console moms who didn’t know how they were going to make it as she handed out basic living supplies. They even saw a grown man cry when they received special ordered size-14 rubber boots for him. “Sometimes, they just want someone to hug them,” Regina said.

The Lasseters aren’t doing it alone. Donations are coming from all over the country. Trailers full of goods have come from Illinois, North Carolina, Florida and Mississippi. The ministries of Operation Compassion and God’s Pit Crew have been through. More is coming from Georgia, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas and countless other church communities across the country. Church of God General Overseer Tim Hill and Executive Committee member John Childers came to survey the damage and pledge their spiritual and financial support, along with International Youth and Discipleship Director David Blair.

It will cost close to $200,000 to rebuild Life Church Central, and more to replace all of its property, including musical instruments and sound equipment. But, not everything was washed away. When the waters receded, Monty discovered two objects on the sanctuary platform that were still standing in a sea of floating debris: a clear stand where he kept the anointing oil, and the pulpit. Sitting on the pulpit? His Bible study notes from the last Wednesday night service before the flood. It was a study on Nehemiah. “Rebuilding the walls,” Monty said. “Can you believe that? We’re going to get off our seat and just do it. Can’t means you don’t want to. We’re going to find a way to do ministry one way or the other. “We’re moving forward.”

How Can You Help?

• Take an Offering and Mail it to: Church of God International Offices, P.O. Box 2430, Cleveland, TN 37320. Marked “Louisiana Flood Relief–2016.” Missions credit can be given by using Project #765-0036-019.

• Give via SecureGive at: https://churchofgod.securegive.com

• Text to Give
– From your phone text message screen put the number 74483 where the phone number
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– In the body of the text type FLOOD (space) and the amount you desire to donate (Example: Flood 100) to donate $100.

• Go to the Church of God website–www.churchofgod.org and click on the Louisiana Flooding Disaster and make a donation.