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What Is Cry Out America?

When Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, preparing to bear the weight of the sin of the world, He awakened His sleeping disciples and asked, “Could you not stay awake and pray with me one hour?” (Matthew 26:40, 41) That wake-up call is still echoing for His church today!

On September 11, 2001 America experienced another critical wake-up call! This year, the 15th anniversary of that call is on Sunday. We are asking churches, “Will you dedicate One Hour of your 9/11 morning worship services to crying out to the Lord for a Christ awakening in America?” If you do not feel you can commit to pray a full hour, why not spend eleven minutes on 9/11 praying for revival and awakening in America!

We are calling to intercessors, “Will you join together that evening in your communities for One Hour of extraordinary, united prayer? Will we Cry Out America?

Every year, Cry Out America mobilizes 9/11 prayer gatherings across the nation. This is more than just a time to reflect and remember, but a time to REPENT, seeking God for REVIVAL. In the past, most Cry Out America (COA) gatherings convened at NOON at county courthouses. . . to cry out for mercy at the place of justice. This year, let us help you plan a community or church event in your town!
Visit the Awakening America website or call 888.929.2538 to register as a coordinator in your area. Join us in Crying Out to God in prayer on 9/11!

(Source: Awakening America Alliance)