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Court Says Sweden Must Consider Risks of Deporting Christian Convert to Iran

The European Court of Human Rights ruled Wednesday on the case of an Iranian who converted from Islam to Christianity and who was denied asylum by Sweden. The Grand Chamber of the court found in F.G. v. Sweden that Swedish authorities will violate the European Convention on Human Rights if they fail to assess the risk that the applicant might encounter as a result of his conversion to Christianity upon returning to Iran.

The court deferred the case back to Swedish authorities to reassess the consequences the man would be facing due to his conversion if returned to his home country. The Grand Chamber’s judgment overrules the initial decision of the court, which found against the applicant.

Full news release, quotes, and related media resources available at the following link:


Case Name: F.G. v. Sweden.

ADF International is an alliance-building, non-profit legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith.

(Source: Christian Newswire)