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Prayer Emphasis to Continue at General Assembly

Since 1992, the Church of God has maintained a dedicated prayer room at its International General Assembly. In the early years, it was simply a room where people could gather for fervent prayer to begin their day. Over the last decade, the room has been open throughout the day for prayer teams to pray the nations of the world, to consider the need for a Great Awakening, to pray for unreached peoples and more.

At this year’s Assembly, to be held in Nashville, Tennessee July 19-22 at the Music City Center, Dr. Mark Williams, general overseer, is asking churches to consider sending prayer teams to the Assembly Prayer Room – to pray for revival in the church, for the lost, for families and missionaries. Dr. Williams notes, “There can be little debate about the spiritual and moral slump that has now engulfed our nation. We need God’s breath to revive His Church, convict and convince men of truth, awaken whole cities, and all of that begins and is sustained by prayer.”

“History indicates that when massive prayer movements occurred, with white-hot hearts ablaze in prayer, that revival and awakening issued forth, resulting in significant numbers of conversions,” said P. Douglas Small, Coordinator of Prayer Ministries.

“In the early days of the Church of God, the Assembly was characterized by seasons of prayer. What would happen, if we made prayer a key feature of the assembly?”

Small is scheduling teams who wish to come and pray for the nation and the nations of the world, as well as the ministries of the Church of God. If your church prayer team is interested, call the prayer office at 855-842-5483. Or, send an email to [email protected] to request more information.