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NRB Applauds Secretary Kerry’s Recognition of ISIS Genocide of Christians

National Religious Broadcasters thanks U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry for concluding that the barbarism being perpetrated against Christians in the Middle East by ISIS is, in fact, “genocide.”

“I applaud and welcome Secretary Kerry’s announcement this morning that ISIS is perpetrating genocide against Christians and other minorities,” stated Dr. Jerry A. Johnson, President & CEO of NRB. “Now the United States is morally compelled to act in defense of our brothers and sisters whose lives and cultural heritage are being viciously assaulted simply because of their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.”

NRB has and will continue to urge for U.S. government and faith leaders to acknowledge the reality of, and to pursue a call to action against, the persecution of Christians overseas, particularly in ISIS-occupied regions.

Notably, Proclaim 16, the NRB International Christian Media Convention, held a special session on this genocide featuring Canon Andrew White, Vicar Emeritus of St. George’s Church in Baghdad, who spoke from firsthand experience about the terrors of ISIS.

About NRB
The National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) is a non-partisan, international association of Christian communicators whose member organizations represent millions of listeners, viewers, and readers.

(Source: Christian Newswire)