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Act Now to Save Christians from Genocide

We need to support Rep. Dana Rohrabacher who has introduced legislation that designates Christians and Yazidis in the Middle East as targets of genocide. His bill specifically provides for the expedited processing of ‘immigrant and refugee status’ for these persecuted religious minorities.

For centuries, millions of Christians have been the victims of religious persecution in many countries around the world. But in recent months, brutality against members of the Christian faith in Iraq and Syria has been escalated beyond every historical level by ISIS, the Islamic extremist group which claims it is determined to snuff out the very existence of opposing religious groups.

Christians, and Yazidis, a minority sect living primarily in Kurdish parts of Iraq, have been forced from their homes, tortured, raped and murdered by fanatical Islamists throughout a region spanning Iraq, Syria, Pakistan, Iran, Egypt, and Libya.

According to Christian Freedom International president Jim Jacobson, “the Obama Administration makes it impossible for persecuted Christians to seek asylum in the U.S. At the same time, the Obama Administration is allowing tens of thousands of Muslims to pour into the country.”

Send President Obama the message that his rejection of Christians who are targeted for genocide in the Middle East does not reflect the values of the American people.

“Congress should act immediately to save as many Christians as possible,” says Jacobson.

Contact your Representative and Senators in Congress, and mobilize your friends now to support Congressman Dana Rohrabacher’s “Save Christians from Genocide Act” H.R. 4017.

For more information and to sign the petition go to www.christianfreedom.org or call 800.323.2273.

Christian Freedom International is a non-denominational human rights organization for religious liberty providing real solutions to conditions of human misery caused by religious persecution.

(Source: Christian Newswire)