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New Genesis Study Integrates Faith and Work in Seven Days

After their first four years, more than 1,000 blog posts, and more than 150 combined research papers, white papers, podcasts, and videos, the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics [1] (IFWE) has boiled down some of the most important ideas on faith and work into one 7-day study on Genesis, God’s Purpose in Creation [2].

“Many Christians are confused about the meaning of their lives outside of church,” said IFWE executive director and author of the study, Hugh Whelchel [3]. “God has called each of us from death to life, from darkness into his glorious light for a reason. Part of that reason is what he wants us to accomplish in the here and now. To know what it is God wants us to do with our lives, we must go back to where God’s great story starts – Genesis 1.”

The focus of the Genesis study is an unusual one, Whelchel said. “When people think of Genesis, they usually think of evolution and contentious scientific debates.” Google Genesis and you’ll get nearly 200 million hits dealing with questions like:

These are important questions, Whelchel said, but the creation story is about so much more. “It’s about God’s purpose in creation. Here you find your job description, your marching orders in the mission of God’s people.”

The 7-day study covers:

God’s Purpose in Creation: A Study in Genesis 1 comes in paperback and digital formats and is available for purchase on the IFWE bookstore website [2]. Each of the seven days includes reflection and discussion questions. The format is suitable for individual or group study.

The Institute for Faith, Work & Economics [1] (IFWE) is an educational organization that seeks to help Christians find fulfillment in their work and contribute to a free and flourishing society.

Source: Christian NewsWire