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Healing the Healer: A Broken Pastor Finds the Path to Wholeness

One day, Pastor Chris Schimel made a startling discovery. Although he had pastored churches for over a decade, he realized he was broken and needed healing! He shares, “My life developed into one needing emotional healing from my earliest upbringings. And then one day, after I had already become a Christian, had gone to seminary, and had pastored churches for more than fifteen years, I woke up and realized: I was broken. I was un-whole emotionally and needed healing.

“At this sobering discovery, I didn’t seek out a process of healing from some book because there was none. So I just started doing what I naively, and yet humbly knew to do. I prayed. I read God’s Word. I talked to a Christian counselor. I kept a journal. I fell on my knees before the awesome sovereignty of God. And voila, I watched God take what I was doing and bring healing to my emotional brokenness. It has become the single most life-altering experience of my existence, second only to my conversion to Christ.”

The result of this healing process is a new book, Once Broken—A pathfinder to emotional healing and health. Schimel shares his spiritual journey and healing with uncommon candor. Bobby Murietta, Sr. Pastor of Triumphant Life Church says, “I was blown away by the author’s candid transparency. I immediately thought of many who need to read it.” Jeff Bellinger, Sr. Pastor of Free Methodist Church, adds, “The book affected me deeply, and I found myself wrestling with my own issues in ways that were sobering but also healing and freeing. I would recommend it for everyone.”

Once Broken identifies things we do to ourselves and others do to us that cause brokenness and presents seven definitive steps to restore wholeness. Archibald Hart, Ph.D., Sr. Prof. of Psychology at Fuller Seminary says, “Once Broken goes beyond identifying and addressing the problem of emotional ill-health. It provides a biblical solution, and does so with descriptive and yet humble examples from the author’s personal experience.” Dr. Glenn C. Burris, Jr., President of the Foursquare denomination agrees, “Without religious rhetoric and tired self-help formulas, Once Broken reaches beyond the norm and lifts perspective to the One and Only True Source of healing.”

Once Broken is a resource for people with problems such as: abuse, abandonment, betrayal, exploitation, manipulation, and self-centeredness. Each chapter includes workbook questions, which can be used by counselors or individuals. This book can help anyone who wants to achieve a higher degree of emotional and spiritual health and functionality. It is especially designed to be a self-counseling tool that will bring healing to people suffering from emotional ill-health. Once Broken will stir your soul deeper than it’s ever been stirred before…and then will heal it.

(Source: Christian Newswire)