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This Flag Stands for Freedom

Happy Birthday U.S.A.! This weekend city streets and town squares across America were lined with the Stars and Stripes. The flag that is recognized around the globe as the symbol of the United States was flown with respect and appreciation by most Americans. The flag elicits a range of emotions from those who view it. With a sense of pride, I fly the flag from the front of my home. I don’t fly it with blind patriotism believing America has a spotless history, or that we make righteous decisions today. I fly it because our forefathers valued freedom and were willing to make the sacrifices to obtain it, while acknowledging freedom could not be of their own initiative and therefore they publicly voiced their faith and proclaimed, “In God We Trust.”

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‘This flag still stands for freedom’ are not just lyrics from a Lee Greenwood song. The flag doesn’t guarantee our freedom, it only represents it. I like the photo in this article showing the flag in the hands of US service personnel. The hands and hearts of men and women serving in the military have protected and defended the freedom represented by the flag from 1776 until today. The photo also implies that the freedom represented by the flag is literally in the hands of all Americans. We have the ability to either dishonor our freedom by accepting immoral and depraved behavior as lawful, or exercise our freedom to influence others to choose the path that leads to blessings from the Lord.

There has never been a time in history when every voice in America sang in unison for God to bless the USA. However, God in his mercy has heard those who have called out to him in faith. The flag that flies over our capitol gives us the freedom to turn away from God, or draw close to him. I am thankful for all who have served and are serving today to protect and defend the freedom represented in Old Glory. As we celebrate our national holiday, let’s call on the Lord to bless us with the glory of his presence and empower us with his Spirit to do good things with our freedom.

Richard L. Pace, D. Min.
Endorser and Coordinator, Vocational Chaplaincy Ministries