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World Missions Leader Receives Honorary Doctorate

Assistant World Missions Director for the Church of God, John D. Childers, received an honorary doctorate from the Church of God Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries located in Manila, Philippines, on April 24, 2015.

The Asian Seminary of Christian Ministries (ASCM) is a higher education institution recognized by the Commission on Higher Education of the Philippine government, and is an accredited member of the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia, which is a full member of the World Conference of Associations of Theological Institutions. Founded in 1973, ASCM trains men and women for the ministry. Its Interim President is Dr. Marcos Ligero.

With an illustrious ministry spanning 46 years, Childers has served as pastor; state youth and Christian education director in numerous states; international director and assistant international director of Youth and Christian Education; administrative bishop of Northern Ohio and Alabama; member of the Executive Council; member of the Church of God International General Assembly Cabinet; chairman of International Youth and CE Board; Board of Directors of Peniel Rehabilitation Ministry in Johnston, Pennsylvania; as well as numerous other boards and committees.

An outstanding and innovative speaker, the newly-christened “Dr.” Childers is experienced in vision-casting and organizational leadership. He is a representative to a wide variety of external public and religious groups, including engagement with various global missions agencies and parachurch youth organizations.

Church of God World Missions serves 181 countries and territories representing 30,000 churches, more than 36,000 ministers, and six million members.

Third generation Church of God, Childers is married to Debbie and they are the parents of two sons, Jonathan and his wife, Vanessa; and Jeremy and his wife, Ashlie. They are grandparents to a granddaughter, Austyn.