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African Bible College Reaches Important Milestone

The Bethel Bible College in Lusaka, Zambia, has progressed greatly under the leadership of Duncan Mboma, national education director. It now is one of the larger Church of God schools on the continent of Africa.

On Saturday, Nov. 29, 2014, Bethel Bible College hosted its semester-ending graduation. It was a very exciting day for the 90 graduates of the school’s academic programs.

• Sixty-two candidates received the Certificate In Ministerial Studies (CIMS) certificate.
• Two students received the Foundations Certificates in Christian theology.
• Twenty students received diplomas in practical theology.
• Six students earned the Bachelor of Arts in theology—the first bachelor degree graduates from Bethel Bible College.

All diplomas and certificates from Bethel are fully accredited at national and international levels. But the bachelor’s degree is a recent addition to the curriculum. This is a significant development, because it is the first Church of God Bible School in Central Africa to offer the four-year college degree.

Now, the smaller Bible schools in Central Africa that offer only one-year certificates or two-year diplomas will be able to send their graduates to Zambia to complete the four-year degree program at an excellent Church of God school.

Reverend Jürgen Rudolph, education coordinator for the Church of God in Africa, was the keynote speaker, and challenged graduates to be contextually relevant and to emulate the Lord Jesus Christ in every way. Reverend Steven Mkwehiwa, coordinator of education for Central Africa, emphasized that the graduates should show the character of Jesus Christ in their walk and ministry. Mr. John Wilberforce, Board chairman, emphasized the need to support Bethel. A cross section of pastors and leaders also came to witness this festive occasion.

The Church of God Division of Education congratulates Bethel Bible College graduates and all faculty, staff, and administrators who have dedicated their lives to making this quality of education available to the wonderful believers in Central Africa.

–J. David Stephens, D.D., Assistant General Overseer and Executive Director of the Division of Education