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Updates on the Million Hour Prayer Campaign for the Global Harvest

Church of God world Missions Director Tim Hill recently reported that Indonesia has responded to the Million Hour Prayer Campaign with vigor. The Prayer Tower at the church served by Pastor Niko Njotorahardjo, from Jakarta, Indonesia, will give themselves, as well as other Indonesia churches across the nation, to prayer for the global harvest. Dr. Jacob Nahuway provides leadership for the nation. Indonesia alone has committed to an investment of a million hours of prayer for the global harvest.

In South America, Dr. David Ramirez, Field Director, has pledged the support of South American congregations as well.

The pastors of Church of God congregations in the Cleveland-Chattanooga, Tennessee area have committed to 100,000 hours, becoming the epicenter of the North American Million Hours Campaign for the global harvest.

Every first Sunday of any month, the World Missions Department is asking Church of God congregations to spend five minutes praying for the global harvest. A bulletin insert is available along with a power point prayer guide that can be adapted.

“Someone has said, ‘as we pray for the lost, we care more,’” stated Doug Small of Project Pray. “Actually, God cares about them through us, and amazing things happen in the dynamic triangle of the intercessor, the lost, and a caring God. John Bunyan believed, ‘You can do more than pray, after you have prayed, but you cannot do more than pray until you have prayed.’”

Resources for the Million Hour Prayer Campaign can be found at http://www.praycog.org/million-hour-prayer-campaign.

(Source: projectpray.org)