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Church of God Chaplains: Saints in Caesar’s House

Chaplains have the privilege of ministering in a variety of settings in society that are not governed by the Church of God Book of Minutes. Though many institutions where Church of God Chaplains serve will never be a department of the church, none of these institutions begin to approach the evil that permeated Caesar’s household. Yet, Paul makes special emphasis in his letter to the Philippians to acknowledge the saints that lived, worked, and served there.

Admittedly, I was surprised to find dedicated men and women of God in the military when I reported to my first assignment as an Army Chaplain a few years ago. I, like many other church-bound Christians, viewed the military as only being full of tough people who needed to be touched by the love of Christ. I was actually caught off guard in my first meeting with my Vietnam combat-hardened Ranger qualified Purple Heart recipient commander who wanted to pray for ME. He would live up to the assessment of Paul in Philippians 4:22 as a saint in the household of Caesar.

The wind of the Holy Spirit not only blows through the pews of the church, he also blows out the front door of the sanctuary and into the institutions of our society; where the Spirit moves, lives will be transformed. From one former church-bound Christian whom God led to minister in the halls of today’s household of Caesar, I can affirm that it is exciting to encounter saints of the Lord in unexpected places.

Most all of the places Church of God Chaplains serve are honorable and necessary for our society to function. If, however, our institutions today were as evil as the household of Caesar was in the early church, I would hope chaplains would find a way through the door. To all Church of God Chaplains I ask, “Greet the saints in the ‘household of Caesar’ where you serve.”

–Richard L. Pace, D.Min., Endorser and Coordinator, Vocational Chaplaincy Ministries