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Church of God Outlines Strategy to Combat Pornography

At the recent International General Assembly in Orlando, the Church of God launched a program to address the growing scourge of pornography and sex trafficking in America and around the world.

The Church of God is a founding member of the Religious Alliance Against Pornography (RAAP), supporting the mission of this broad coalition of religious groups.

The foremost effort of the church’s strategy of support for RAAP is a renewed emphasis on biblical marriage and family life. The Church of God Division of Education is developing a specialized area in its Mobilize ministry of Local Leadership Development that will concentrate on Marriage and Family.

Marriage is defined in the context of the Lord’s encompassing statement in Matthew 19:4-6, which denotes seven elements of biblical covenant marriage:

1. Personhood – God creates every person as a unique individual.
2. Paradise – The biblical marriage covenant is founded on the beginning.
3. Equality – God creates man and woman as equals.
4. Helpmeet – Biblical marriage is based on a helping companionship.
5. Leaving – Biblical marriage is based on the leaving of father and mother.
6. Cleaving – Biblical marriage is based on the cleaving of male and female.
7. Sexuality – Biblical marriage is based on oneness of flesh.

“Based on both Old and New Testament instructions, the church recognizes the responsibility of Christian fathers and mothers to give adequate and proper instructions to children regarding the beauty of sexuality within the sanctity of marriage and family life,” stated Dr. H. Lynn Stone, administrative assistant for the Division of Education. “The Church of God also commits to partnering with its fellow RAAP members and entities in the diverse efforts that are designed to combat pornography and the exploitation of women and children. This is being done through such programs as those designed by pureHope Ministries and the work of the Catholic Relief Services.”

“Finally,” Stone concluded, “the Church of God commits to exploring every opportunity available to restore individuals who have been plagued by sexual addictions to the full freedom of human dignity through the sanctifying truth of the Word of God and the purifying power of the Holy Spirit. This includes the unique GoTandem program designed by Back to the Bible which encourages Bible engagement through the technology of special apps for smartphones.”

As part of the overall strategy, the Division of Education sponsored a special series of small group “round table discussions” at the 2014 International General Assembly. Delegates were encouraged to go by the Division of Education display in order to meet personally with Dan Martin, director of parenting ministries from pureHOPE, and other distinguished authors, scholars, and administrators. Some of the presentations included Parenting in a Sexualized Culture (Dan Martin), Family Crisis: Responding to Abuse (Oliver McMahan), The Christian and Homosexuality (Terry Cross), Sex Trafficking and Porn Culture (Dan Martin), Developing Christian Families (Paul Conn), Planting and Growing Churches (Fidencio Burgueňo), Recovery in a Sexualized Culture (Dan Martin), Praying the Breath of Life (Wayne and Pam Brewer), and Faith to Stand When You Can’t Understand (R. Lamar Vest).

To learn more, please call (423) 478-7011.