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World Missions ‘FINISH Challenge’ Reports First Figures

At the recent Church of God General Assembly, the presence of God moved on the people of God to embrace the FINISH CHALLENGE, a new World Missions initiative, with over two million dollars in cash and commitments.

Tim Hill, director of Church of God world Missions asks: “Did Jesus mean what he said in the Great Commission? The answer is YES!”

Acknowledging such a generous response as a mandate from the church to pursue unprecedented opportunities, The FINISH Challenge has adopted as one of its first projects, the Israel Initiative. 300,000 dollars has already been allocated for Christian curriculum for the Bethlehem school, assisting ministry in Israel and to purchase property needed for the Aboud School. Immediate plans include repairs which are desperately needed for the Mount of Olives Church, begun by missionary Margaret Gaines.


Tim Hill makes an appeal for the FINISH Challenge at the recent General Assembly in Orlando.

The Israel Initiative works inside the covering of the FINISH CHALLENGE with five “C’s,” Children, Care, Construction, Communication and Church Enhancement and Resourcing.
Dr. Hill says this: “”The Holy Spirit has clearly spoken to my heart about the FINISH Challenge. All of us must embrace as never before the Great Commission. Until the Great Co-Mission becomes the Great Go-Mission, we have committed the Great O-Mission. The ISRAEL Initiative will take the Great Commission back to where it started.”

More information will be released in the near future.