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Robinson Retiring from Church of God after 50 Years

Rev. Julian Robinson was honored on August 15 for 33 years of continuous service at the Church of God International Offices and 50 years for the Church of God. The current director of Business and Records for the denomination, Robinson announced his retirement earlier this year.

The event was attended by Robinson’s family, close friends, former and current co-workers, and business colleagues. Tributes were offered by Church of God leaders, including Mark Williams, general overseer for the church who thanked Robinson for his years of dedication. Lee Stewart, president of Southern Heritage Bank, spoke on behalf of the many banking officials with whom Robinson has dealt with through the years.

During the tribute dinner, Robinson testified of the calling of God upon his life from an early age as he first contemplated a career as a dentist. It was after he joined the military where he committed his life to Christ and God called him into ministry.


Three Bishops--Julian Robinson, center, is joined by his two sons, Jeffrey, left, and Jeremy. All three are ordained bishops in the Church of God (click photo to enlarge)

As chief financial officer under the secretary general of the Church of God, Robinson has been responsible for the day-to-day fiscal operations of the Church. He is a member the General Assembly Cabinet and regularly reports on matters of a financial nature to the governing bodies of the Church of God. At the Church of God General Assembly held last month in Orlando, General Overseer Williams made an impromptu announcement of Robinson’s retirement where he stated, “We are a grateful church for the service you have rendered to us.” Robinson received a standing ovation.

Both of Robinson’s sons, Jeff and Jeremy, offered comments on the life, leadership, longevity, and contributions of their father to the Church of God. Robinson’s grandchildren were also present and gave a whimsical tribute to their “Papaw.” In addition, co-worker Stephen McCall spoke on behalf of the employees in Business and Records.

During Robinson’s 33 year tenure he has served as director of Business and Records and six years as the first director of the Office of Pensions directing the Ministers Retirement Plan implemented in 1983. He has worked under nine general overseers and ten secretary generals. Previously he served for 17½ years as state secretary/treasurer for the Church of God Tennessee State Executive Office. As of the 2014 International General Assembly, Robinson had completed 50 consecutive years of administration with the Church of God.

“Words are inadequate to express my deep gratitude for the signal honor and favor God has given to me during these many years to minister and use my gifts for the Church of God,” Robinson stated. “I am humbled to have been part of the denomination’s growth and ministries expansion, as well as times of seeing God’s provisions in challenges and complex economic realities. Everything I am I owe to the Church of God.”

–Cameron Fisher, Church of God Communications