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Thousands Support ‘Duck Dynasty’ Star With IStandWithPhil.com Petition

Faith Driven Consumer has launched the IStandWithPhil.com petition drive, which calls for A&E to immediately reinstate Phil Robertson to its No. 1 hit show, Duck Dynasty.

The network suspended Phil Robertson from Duck Dynasty because he expressed disagreement with gays in a GQ interview. In the January issue, he called homosexuality a sin and used the words bestiality and promiscuity in the same breath.

IStandWithPhil.com is garnering strong support from Faith Driven Consumers with its call for tolerance, fairness and respect for differing viewpoints in America’s rainbow of diversity. By Thursday, the petition had more than 10,000 signatures.

The petition states, “Mr. Robertson’s comments in GQ Magazine are simply reflective of a biblical view of sexuality, marriage, and family—a view that has stood the test of time for thousands of years and continues to be held by the majority of Americans and today’s world as a whole.

“Many members of the LGBT community may not agree with this view, but the notion that a free-thinking American should be discriminated against simply for expressing a perspective that is in conflict with another is patently un-American and flies in the face of true tolerance and civility.”

Chris Stone, founder of Faith Driven Consumer, explains, “Simply put, Phil Robertson is being censored and punished for quoting the Bible, and A&E’s treatment of him is punitive and highly discriminatory. Everyday people will not stand for this; they know bullying and violation of religious freedom when they see it. A&E’s actions are censoring faith-driven consumers and eliminating them from an entertainment choice that they have overwhelmingly supported.

“IStandWithPhil.com is leading the charge in the call for fairness and equality as we defend the fundamental American right to free speech and tradition of tolerance.”

The IStandWithPhil.com online petition drive cites the A&E network’s “intolerant, discriminatory and punitive treatment” of the Duck Dynasty star, noting that “A&E’s position, which in your own words is ‘championing’ the gay and lesbian community … excludes the views of Faith Driven Consumers and effectively censors a legitimate viewpoint held by the majority of Americans.”

IStandWithPhil.com calls for respect for the millions of viewers of the show and demands that the network immediately reinstate Mr. Robertson and “formally apologize to him, his family, and the millions of viewers who tune in every week, stand by him, and share his worldview.”

(Source: Charisma News)