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Covenant Team Presents Funds for Disaster Relief


Assistant General Overseer David Griffis, right, presents a check to Heartland Region Overseer M. Darrell Rice while General Overseer Mark Williams looks on.

David Griffis, first assistant general overseer of the Church of God, and Director of the Division of Care, participated with the delegation to Oklahoma to present two checks to assist with disaster relief. Griffis was accompanied by General Overseer Mark L. Williams. Together the two church leaders met with local pastors, relief workers and families displaced by the tornado that ripped through the heart of Oklahoma.

Griffis, who is also leader of the Covenant Ministry Team which includes Oklahoma, presented a check for $3,000 to Heartland Presiding Bishop M. Darrell Rice. He also presented a check for $10,000 from the Church of God Disaster Relief Fund.

“Covenant Ministry Teams give rock solid support in times of crisis,” Williams stated. “These groups, which consist of state and regional overseers, form a bond among themselves that has proven highly effective since they were initiated about ten years ago. I commend Dr. Griffis for representing his Covenant Team as Oklahomans pick up the pieces of this tragedy. Today’s presentation is just a portion of future support to come from the Church of God.”