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Seattle Company Transforming the Church Through Mobile Apps

Subsplash Consulting, a Seattle based technology company is transforming how churches communicate with their congregants and the general public by designing affordable mobile apps that can be easily downloaded on iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone and Android devices.

For years, Subsplash worked primarily with corporate clients. They built the first app ever created for a church back in 2009 with the Mars Hill Church App. Following it’s launch, Subsplash was contacted by several organizations looking to go mobile, including Rick Warren’s Saddleback church, and from there a thriving business was born. Subsplash is now the largest provider of mobile apps for churches and Christian ministries.

“At Subsplash, we have had the opportunity to work with incredible ministries of all sizes,” said Chris Sharpe, director of marketing. “Churches are in the unique place of being content creators and at least once a week there is a new sermon that they want to get into people’s hands. Not only are churches and ministries adding sermons to their apps, but there are a whole host of other things you can provide through the app such as blogs/news, events, online giving, sermon notes and bulletins, music, small group resources, reading plans, and pretty much anything else you can think of,” added Sharpe.

To learn more about the Church App, go to www.thechurchapp.org [1].

(Source: Christian Newswire)