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DivorceCare Releases New Edition of Divorce Support Group Program for Churches

For nearly 20 years, thousands of churches worldwide have been using the DivorceCare program to help divorced and separated people in their congregation and community find support, hope and healing. The 3rd edition of the 13-week DivorceCare program has just released.

DivorceCare is built around three components: a video seminar with insights from leading Christian experts and personal testimonies, small-group discussion time, and personal workbook study.

The new edition features:
•27 new experts, plus the best from the prior edition

•47 new testimonial interviews

•8 mini-dramas

•Pro-quality HD video

•Major improvements to the workbook

•Improved lay leader tools

The new DivorceCare videos feature 52 respected Christian counselors, teachers and pastors, providing biblical teaching and encouragement for those hurting from divorce. The videos go deeper into the lives of people who’ve lived through a breakup, sharing their stories and pain, their challenges, and their path to healing. Also new are short dramas, featuring professional actors, to help participants grasp and apply the concepts taught in the videos.

The videos are mastered using state-of-the art HD equipment, then converted for playback on a standard DVD player and television. Material brought forward from the prior DivorceCare has been digitally improved and enhanced.

In addition to a fresh graphic design, the workbook has features to make it more usable and impactful: A daily Bible study designed to be even more relevant to the person hurting from a breakup and to guide them to a clearer understanding of God’s Word; new tear-out Scripture cards; a detailed budget worksheet to help participants manage their money; a gospel presentation; and further tools to solidify the concepts presented in the video and discussion.

The Leader’s Guide has been substantially updated, with new discussion questions and weekly agendas for lay leaders to use while leading a group and for training their leadership team. The Leader Training Video has been redesigned to focus on the issues most important in starting and sustaining a healthy DivorceCare group.

“This is the best DivorceCare material we’ve produced,” said Steve Grissom, founder and president of Church Initiative/DivorceCare. “It’s deeper and richer, thanks to the contribution of our new video-based experts and the years of feedback we’ve received from groups meeting worldwide.”

For details, visit www.divorcecare.org [1] or call 800-489-7778.

(Source: Christian Newswire)